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      Lydia Hotel

      25th Martiou Street 31, RODAS CIUDAD

      Situated at the very heart of Rhodes, this hotel places it guests within walking distance of the majority of its monuments and sights. The beaches that surround the city are easily accessible and the venue is the perfect spot either for shopping or for a stroll in the medieval quarters. The small stylish boutique is constructed by materials such as marble, wood and granite that perfectly fit the style of the surrounding area. Guests can unwind with a chilled drink on the wooden pergola that operates as a lounge bar. In it they can also enjoy the delicious American breakfast buffet or any other meal, all of which are prepared only from freshest locally sourced ingredients in order to guarantee their exceptional taste and quality. Sun loungers and parasols are available at the nearby sandy beach, but guests who prefer a little extra privacy can opt for the onsite sunbathing terrace.

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